Thursday, August 26, 2010

If Your Day Was A Crappy One:-))

--> Okay, I didn't created this blog to rant on someone, but this day has been a crappy one so I'm giving myself the chance to do it.

My day started with all the bad news our RESEARCH could ever give us. no psychologist, no CHief nurses. crap. I went to school just so our adviser will tell us that our class/review was cancelled due to some issues. another crap. Issues on having a pre-test or not, another crap. Not being able to get the population needed by our group, another crap. Come to think of it, when your day was full of crap, can you even think straight? Guess not, unless your superman.

SO,phulease if I am acting crappy it's due to some good fucking reason dude. I don't just throw tantrums to any one. I AM not that SHALLOW for Pete's sake. But guess, I can not expect everyone to know that.

If you think I am being too bossy, dude, I AM BOSSY. I NEED to Be. If I wasn't, then you wouldn't be able to SLAPPPED that FUcking Paper with Engr. Tuason's signature to my face. THAT WAS MY POINT during that meeting. FOR. US. TO. LOOK. FOR. ANOTHER. WAY. I don't like our group to sit like ducks and wait for some miracles to happen. I want us to think of another way because I do believe that we have a CHOICE. and see? you found a freaking WAY. So, I guess being bossy isn't that BAD right?

THAT WAS MY POINT. So see, if you don't want me to be bossy, then fine with me. It would mean that I won't even care what happens in our research. Coz, to be honest, when I'm bossy it actually means I am doing something to contribute to the group. But it is really fine with me. Come on, you just stripped me of a constant headache in my life. THANKS. I APPRECIATE it :-)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When the World hates you and your country:-(

I knew the hostage taking is going to be very Big. But i didn't thought it would be this BIG. Blogs from everywhere are being posted on Facebook and twitter. Everyone is talking about those policemen and students who had the nerve to pose and get their picture taken at the site of the bloodbath.

What's sad about this is  everyone's affected. Chinese and Filipinos argue on blogs and other sites trying to avenge and defend their country, respectively.

I just feel so sad that my fellowmen in HK are being maltreated because of what happened. Those poor innocent souls whose families depends on their jobs being domestic helpers.

I feel so sick in the stomach reading the comments of other people about how stupid we Filipinos are. We are not stupid, I just want to clarify that. Maybe the police force weren't prepared and didn't planned the whole thing and the media were acting like vultures, reporting everything live. I agree. I do believe they should have done something better because lives were at stake. But it doesn't mean I will accept those names thrown at us silently. To those who keeps on saying we are ignorant, uneducated, racist and etc. COME ON, dude. ARE you PERFECT? Coz if you are I will absolutely accept those names you hurled at us. BUT guess you are not, so cut all these crap, please.

The world sees us in a way I couldn't stomach. But I hope we can pass this unfortunate event being able to lift our heads up high. AJA!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Dear Philippines, why o why?

I spent most of my day reading Vampire Academy book 5 then Hush, Hush. Around 2:30pm, i read my friend's FB status that there was a hostage taking going on but dismissed it. Then at around 5:30, i turned the TV on and discover that the people taken as hostages were tourists from HK. I thought "what the heck? those people went to our country to have fun. never in their wildest dream they did ever thought of getting in a cross fire."

Tsk, tsk, tsk. What the hell is happening? I mean c'mon is hostage taking gonna end all your problem? that kind of act is just going to lead you to another bigger problem. That Mendoza guy should have thought of better ways to express his grief over being unjustly thrown out of the force.

Seeing those loud gun fires, I felt nauseous. Those hostages were really crept out of their souls. I just feel sorry for them. An isolated case, they say. An isolated case that they were unfortunately a part of.

I just hope and pray that in God's time, these people will be able to move on. It will be a very hard journey. but I pray to God that they will be able to put whatever happened today behind.

God Bless the Philippines.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's the time of day:-)

When nothing seems right in your life, when the things that used to fill the holes in your existence vanishes right before your eyes, nothing-absolutely nothing- can ever make up for those things.

My life right now is a constant journey of mazes. One day I find the things in my life making me feel contented. And yes, I could honestly say that it is true. there are times when just hanging around with friends is something so awesome that i would want each day of my life to be and feel that way. Yeah, a child's dream. A dream I wanted, eagerly, to be real. Yet, when the dawn breaks, a flash of the real world comes back, shattering those childish dreams of mine. the dream of being safe and secured. a dream of never facing the real world. the dream of living life without taking risks. Yeah. Sometimes, even a 19 year old me wants to live like that.

But then again, when reality strikes, it strikes hard. No cushion whatsoever. that's the worst part. the realization that no matter how hard you try to evade the reality of Life, it haunts you. haunts you and there's no escape, no exit sign on the end. In every maze, there's always an exit line but life will never give you that choice. You've got to face it and learn the hard lesson that way. Wish I could escape. Wish I could throw away everything and curl like a ball enveloped in my mother's warm embrace.

Wishes. Wishes. Wishes. Life As I Know It.