Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's the time of day:-)

When nothing seems right in your life, when the things that used to fill the holes in your existence vanishes right before your eyes, nothing-absolutely nothing- can ever make up for those things.

My life right now is a constant journey of mazes. One day I find the things in my life making me feel contented. And yes, I could honestly say that it is true. there are times when just hanging around with friends is something so awesome that i would want each day of my life to be and feel that way. Yeah, a child's dream. A dream I wanted, eagerly, to be real. Yet, when the dawn breaks, a flash of the real world comes back, shattering those childish dreams of mine. the dream of being safe and secured. a dream of never facing the real world. the dream of living life without taking risks. Yeah. Sometimes, even a 19 year old me wants to live like that.

But then again, when reality strikes, it strikes hard. No cushion whatsoever. that's the worst part. the realization that no matter how hard you try to evade the reality of Life, it haunts you. haunts you and there's no escape, no exit sign on the end. In every maze, there's always an exit line but life will never give you that choice. You've got to face it and learn the hard lesson that way. Wish I could escape. Wish I could throw away everything and curl like a ball enveloped in my mother's warm embrace.

Wishes. Wishes. Wishes. Life As I Know It.

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